Saturday, August 25, 2012

Answer to basic questions about clenbuterol

Clen Dose
The basic question is what is Clenbuterol? Well ,Clenbuterol can be understood as a drug potential and  bronchodilator which lasts for long and is suggested for the use of humans in the countries other than U.S .This drug is commonly consumed by athletes and body builders because of its potential for quick reducing  of body fats .This drug is also popular with the names of Clen and Clenbuterol Hydrochloride, it is gaining popularity as a weight reducing pills, even some of the celebrities have confirmed the news of using this drug for quick loss of weight or fat on role demands.

Other important question is when should one use clenbuterol and in what dosage? The answer to this is very simple; one should take Clenbuterol in morning time before 30 to 60 minutes of your daily workout. This drug remains active in your body for long time that is about twenty four to thirty six hours.

Other important issue is how we can use Clenbuterol Hydrochloride for women. The dosage prescribed for women are eighty mcg to hundred mcg for a day. This drug is not prescribed for continuous use for more than three weeks, however allowed in certain conditions like if you are taking the drug with   Ketotifen. On an average most women can have eighty mcg dosage of this drug in a day, however hundred mcg is prescribed for the users of advance stage. For a start all women can have forty mcg of this drug for starting three days,then could gradually increase its dosage to sixty and then so on till hundred mcg.

Similar question is how can we use Clenbuterol Hydrochloride for men? The answer is men is prescribed for dosage of eighty mcg to one sixty mcg in a day. Majority of the men can do fine with the dosage of eighty mcg or one twenty mcg. However one sixty is prescribed for users of advance stage like weightlifters or bodybuilders.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Let me give you the tips - How To Stay Fit

How to stay fit
Stay Fit
Today man is really working hard to face the rising competition prevailing in the market. Then he has to stay fit. At the same time there are numerous number of diseases taking birth every next day. As man has always tried to combat all these things tooth and nail, he never lose to various diseases and ailments. At the same time he has not been able to win over them in any way. He is developing drugs constantly to do away with these diseases.

Man has developed various vaccines to help us stay away from the most deadly diseases. There are various immunization programs conducted all over the cities of all the countries. The target is to completely eradicate these diseases from this earth.

Clenbuterol- The magical chemical
The clenbuterol is one such recently developed chemical doing some work in the world of providing people the relief from fatty looks. When you won’t look fat then you won’t have to hear painful words from people around you. Instead you will get to hear some good compliments and will definitely receive a lot of appreciation. This chemical is such. The chemical raises your body temperature and burns the excess f at of your body. Thus you change from a fatty to Mr./ Miss or Mrs.  Slim and perfect in no time. The chemical can b e taken after consultation of the doctor.

Clenbuterol Cycle
Now let me tell you how to use the chemical effectively. You can enhance the effect of the medicine on your body by proper application of the drug that suits your body and its metabolism. This can be done by adopting the clenbuterol cycle. You need to take a very little dosage I the beginning or the very first week, then in the nest week or the second week you have to increase the intake as now your body is susceptible to this drug. Then in the third week you need to lower down the intake.